Following on from our first session looking at ways into reading standard notation, this second session focused on how to develop pitch notation in the classroom. There were practical examples to use in the classroom alongside a focus on simple songs related to developing pitch notation.

This session, presented by Julie Sutton, was aimed at both KS1 and KS2 class teachers. 

Download the workshop presentation

About the presenter

Julie Sutton is a Senior Lecturer in Education and the
Primary Lead for School Based provision at the University of Worcester where she teaches music to both postgraduate and undergraduate trainees. Prior to joining the University, Julie worked in several different schools across Worcestershire as a Primary school teacher and music leader. Between 2009 and 2011, Julie was a Vocal Force facilitator for Worcestershire, supporting schools to develop a singing strategy. She is currently the Chairperson of the Worcestershire Music Education Hub Steering Group.